
© 2009 International Disaster/Fire Training Institute Inc.


Course Listing

"International Disaster/Fire Training Institute offers Emergency Management courses worldwide to interested practitioners and agencies".

EM 011 All-Hazard Planning - Basic

FEMA course materials are used in this short course to acquaint you with terms and concepts used in emergency management. It will demonstrate our easy-to-use course delivery and testing systems.

Try this Course and take the Final Exam for Free!

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Enroll for $19 to receive a Certificate of Completion.

EM 137 Exercise Program Manager/Management Course
The purpose of this course is to assist federal, state, and local personnel in implementing their roles and responsibilities as exercise program managers/management. The primary goal of the course is to improve the capability of organizations to design, develop, conduct, and evaluate exercises and to implement corrective actions.

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EM 020  Disaster Mythology

Individuals always panic after a disaster.  Looting is a major concern that requires high levels of security.  These myths and many others are discussed in this course. 

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EM 081 CEO's Disaster Survival Kit

A disaster is a stern test of a community's leadership. As a Chief Executive Officer or Chief Elected Official (CEO) of your community, you will bear direct and ultimate responsibility for how well your jurisdiction survives the next time disaster threatens. This CEO Disaster Survival Kit has tools to assist you meet these responsibilities, analyze you and your community's risks, and take action to reduce them to an acceptable level.

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EM 100 Guide For Increasing Local Government Civil Defense Readiness During Periods of International Crisis "CD Readiness"

This course forms a useful basis for emergency program managers developing plans for current high-consequence threats. This guide includes information for last resort sheltering methods, spontaneous evacuations, crisis relocation and much more.

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EM 101 All-Hazard Planning - Intermediate

While current planning focus is on man-made and technological hazards, disaster managers have adopted the "All-Hazards" concept. Natural disasters are going to continue to be with us. This course provides emergency managers and other emergency services personnel with information for developing risk-based, all-hazard emergency operations plans.

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EM 108 Community Mass Care Management

The goal of the course is to equip emergency management staff and voluntary agency personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform as effective Mass Care Coordinators in a broad range of disaster situations. Mass care encompasses sheltering, feeding, and providing other emergency assistance to disaster victims and disaster responders.

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EM 120 Exercise Design Course

This course will help the participant to learn to design effective exercises that provide the practice necessary to save lives, property, and the environment.

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EM 125 Attack Environment Manual Certificate

No one has gone through a nuclear war. This means there isn't any practical experience upon which to build. However, emergency management officials are responsible for preparing for the possibility of nuclear war. This nine chapter series will help the emergency planner for this low-probability/high-consequence event.

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EM 130 Exercise Evaluation Course

The generic Exercise Evaluation course is designed to provide State and local emergency managers with a structure and guidelines that can be adapted for use in developing and implementing a system for evaluating exercises.

  Course Materials

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EM 135 Exercise Control/Simulation Course

The purpose of this course is to assist federal, state, and local personnel in implementing their roles and responsibilities in designing, developing, and implementing an exercise control organization and control plan during federal, state, and local exercises.

  Course Materials

   Test Online

EM 141 Emergency Management Guide For Business & Industry

This guide provides step-by-step advice on how to create and maintain a comprehensive emergency management program. It can be used by manufacturers, corporate offices, retailers, utilities or any organization where a sizable number of people work or gather.

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EM 160 Recovery From Nuclear Attack

The "impossibility" of recovery is often advanced as a reason for doing nothing to develop an effective civil defense program for the United States. Those who have devoted years to the study of civil defense in general, and postattack problems in particular, do not agree that recovery would be impossible. This document deals with the difficult issues of the effects of the use of nuclear weapons against the United States.

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EM 191 Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface

The course reviews the ICS and EOC models of emergency management operations, including coordination, communication, and chief executive decision making.

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EM 195 Intermediate Incident Command System (ICS)

The goal of this course is to enable you to function as supervisors in an ICS environment. This course is intended for non-first-response persons who could fill supervisory-level positions in the ICS organization.

   Course Materials

EM 196 Advanced Incident Command System (ICS)

As incidents become larger and more complex, involving multiple agencies and/or jurisdictions, there is a need to employ special aspects of the Incident Command System (ICS) to manage the incidents effectively. This course is intended to train personnel who may be assigned to large incidents in the critical aspects of major incident management and area command.

   Course Materials
EM 197 Emergency Planning And Special Needs Populations

This course was developed to provide the people who are responsible for emergency planning or care of special needs groups with the skills and knowledge they will need to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate against emergency situations.

   Course Materials

   Test Online

EM 230 Introduction to Emergency Management

Introduction to Emergency Management is intended to provide information that will enable persons just entering the profession or expanding their roles to have the ability to work with the main emergency management issues.

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EM 235 Emergency Planning_Basic

This course is based on the 1990 version of FEMA's Emergency Planning Course. Provides the fundamental disaster planning concepts promoted by FEMA for over twenty years.  All-Hazards is incorporates multi-hazards that could affect a jurisdiction.  Planning for one hazard is impractical. This course shows you how and why a generic planning approach is better.

   Course Materials

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EM 235 Emergency Planning_Intermediate 

This course presents a comprehensive planning process to ensure that local jurisdictions are prepared to respond effectively following an emergency event . This course will help emergency program managers develop the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), work as a team, and to create an effective, up-to-date EOP.

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   Test Online

EM 250.1 Continuity of Government (COG)

Continuity of Government involves the planning for and the development of operating procedures to preserve the structure of government itself and develop a viable response capability to support the community in the event of a major emergency. A seven point program for continuity of government is presented.

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EM 250.11 Continuity of Operations (COOP)

The goal of COOP planning is to continue to perform all critical (and the maximum number of non-critical) functions regardless of any hazard. Government may be the target or “victim” of emergencies. This fact demands that all governmental agencies prepare to effectively continue their operations in the wake of a disaster.

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EM 250-6 Workshop In Emergency Management: Amateur Radio Resources

Agencies should have an effective, integrated, and properly managed RACES organization supporting their emergency plans. This course is to educate State and local emergency management officials on amateur radio resources that provide emergency communications.

   Course Materials

    Test Online

EM 250.7 Rapid Assessments Planning Workshop in Emergency Management (WEM)

Local governments must perform a rapid assessment accurately and within the first few hours after an incident to provide an adequate local government response for life-threatening situations and imminent hazards. This course helps local personnel to facilitate planning and implementing rapid assessment procedures.

   Course Materials

   Test Online

EM 270-4 Recovery From Disaster: The Local Government Role

This course covers the activities usually performed by local governments after the emergency response to a disaster has peaked and the long long-term activities (called recovery) begin.

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EM 270_5 Managing Through A Disaster

The purpose of the Managing Through a Disaster training course is to provide local government managers with an improved ability to supervise disaster workers, and to plan for and cope with the problems of working through and recovering from disasters.

   Course Materials

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EM 270_6 Working Through A Disaster

The purpose of the Working Through a Disaster training course is to provide front-line local government employees with an improved ability to plan for and cope with the problems of working through and recovering from disasters.

   Course Materials

   Test Online

EM 272 Warning Coordination

Every year thousands of people are killed or injured as a result of severe weather and flooding. It is only through effective warning coordination that the message of danger can be communicated to and understood by those at risk. Emergency Managers play a critical role in coordinating and communicating warnings to their citizens.

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EM 275 Emergency Operations Center Management and Operations

This three-part course presents information on organizing and designing the EOC. You also learn about staffing the EOC for internal management and operations. Also included are five exercises, and how to manage conflict in a stressful environment of emergency management.

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EM 276 Resource Management

Resource management is handled differently in every jurisdiction, and the roles and responsibilities of the RM Coordinator are not clearly defined. Thus, a standardized approach to resource management is nonexistent. This curriculum reflects an amalgam of course material and recourses, emphasizing a systemic approach to recourse management.

   Course Materials

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EM 280 Public Policy in Emergency Management

This course has one basic goal-to increase the public official's ability to establish and execute public policy in emergency management. Policy is defined as a course of government action that will, by design or otherwise, produce particular effects.

   Course Materials

   Test Online

EM 288 Donations Management Workshop

The goal of this workshop is for the student to learn the key requirements for managing masses of unsolicited donated goods and large numbers of unaffiliated or spontaneous volunteers.

   Course Materials

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EM 301 Introduction to Hazardous Materials Preparedness

Effective hazardous materials response requires the coordinated activities of many organizations--local government, state and federal authorities, private industry, and volunteer groups. This course introduces members of the emergency management community to concepts and components of the local hazardous materials response system.

   Course Materials

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EM 318 Mitigation Planning Workshop for Local Government

This course is intended to enable participants to develop a mitigation plan that addresses the priorities and needs of their communities and meet the requirements described in 44 CFR Part 201.6.

   Course Materials
EM 358 Evacuation and Re-Entry Planning Course

One of the steps that communities must be prepared to take in an emergency is evacuation of its population on short notice. The goal of this course is to provide the participants with knowledge and skills needed to design and implement an evacuation and Re-entry Plan for their respective jurisdictions.

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EM 360 Hurricane Planning Course

This course has been designed to provide State and local hurricane response planners with the latest methods, techniques, and "lessons learned" for developing and revising their hurricane plans and procedures.

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EM 362 Multihazard Planning for Schools

This training course is designed to help participants recognize the need to plan for all types of disasters, both natural and technological. All those involved in a school or school district, from district executives to school support staff, have a moral and legal obligation to do the most possible to ensure the safety of every person in the event of a disaster.

   Course Materials

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EM 365-3 Partnerships for Creating and Maintaining Spotter Groups

The purpose of this workshop is to enable you and the Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) to work together to create a new spotter group in your community or to improve the operations of an existing spotter group for the benefit of the local community.

    Course Materials

    Test Online

EM 386 Mass Fatalities Incident Response

To prepare response personnel and other responsible professionals to handle a mass fatalities incident effectively by properly caring for the dead and the living-both responders and survivors.

   Course Materials
EM 408 Homeland Security Planning for Local Governments (formerly Terrorism Planning)

The Homeland Security Planning for Local Governments is designed to assist State and local emergency managers in developing Terrorism Incident Appendices to the EOP. This course updated with January 2004 materials.

   Course Materials

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EM 726 Survivable Crisis Management

Your emergency response capabilities must survive the emergency to direct and control emergency operations within your State or local jurisdiction and coordinate with other jurisdictions and the Federal Government. The ability to survive and continue to direct and control emergency operations and continue to govern is called Survivable Crisis Management (SCM).

   Course Materials

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EM 851 Emergency Preparedness Guidelines for Mass, Crowd-Intensive Events

This 1995 project was undertaken by Emergency Preparedness Canada in recognition of the numbers of deaths and injuries occurring world-wide as a result of mass public gatherings, many of which traditionally lack sufficient, or effective spectator control.

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Courses in Development


EM 250-8 Controller/Simulator Workshop in EM

This 4-6 hour course is designed to help you prepare for and implement your roles and responsibilities as a controller and/or a simulator during the upcoming exercise. The goal is accomplished by providing you with an overview of the exercise and related plans. The course contains a lot of general information about exercises and the basic methods used to control them.

Sep 2009

EM 250-9 Evaluator Workshop in EM

The purpose of this training is to assist personnel in implementing their roles and responsibilities as exercise evaluators. This goal is accomplished by providing participants with supplemental information and opportunities to apply the evaluator skills and behaviors to their specific evaluator assignment.


Sep 2009

Future Courses Planned:

EM 202 Debris Management
EM 244 Developing Volunteer Resources
EM 249 Managing People in Disasters, a Local Perspective
EM 305.9 Hazardous Materials for Law Enforcement
EM 277 Residential Coastal Construction
EM 373 Earthquake And Fire Hazards In High-Rise Buildings

EM 7xx Basic Map Reading for Emergency Managers
EM 7xx Map and Compass Use for Emergency Program Managers
EM 7xx Disaster Map Symbology
EM 7xx Geography in Emergency Management



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Government publications used in this document have been electronically transcribed by
International Disaster/Fire Training Institute, Inc.
Sources used to develop these courses are public domain documents.